Using Digital Forms
To make working with us easier, we accept electronic signatures on certain Utmost International Isle of Man Limited and Utmost PanEurope forms. You can do this through a digital signature service provider.
The Benefits of using Digital Signatures
It saves time and money – you can send paperwork to clients via email, rather than having to travel to obtain a wet signature.
Processing times should reduce. Where instructions are provided electronically, they are much clearer and easier to process.
Business does not always have to be conducted face-to-face.
Clients can sign their documentation on their PC or mobile device, making it more convenient for them to complete transactions.
It is more environmentally friendly.
What do I need?
If you don’t already have a digital signature service, you will need to sign up for one. Two such providers are DocuSign or Adobe Sign.
Please note, we are unable to recommend a particular provider. If you are not familiar with digital signatures, the videos below may provide some useful information to help you decide which platform could be right for you.
- DocuSign: How it works
- Adobe Sign: Using Adobe Sign
For information on using digital forms for ex-Quilter International products please click here.
Utmost International Isle of Man Limited
Evolution and Estate Planning Bond
In order to accept digitally signed forms we need one signatory linked to the bond to be a registered user of our secure website. If they are not registered they can do so via the Utmost International Isle of Man Limited secure site for Evolution and Estate Planning Bond. They must use the same email address as the one associated with their online access.
Where clients are new applicants they will not be able to register for our website until their bond has been issued. In these cases we ask that clients use the same email address that they used to submit their digital signature when subsequently registering for website access.
Alternatively, if you have authority to act on your client’s behalf, you need to be a registered user.
Along with the digitally signed form, you will also need to send the supporting audit document which may be called something like a ‘Certificate of Completion’ or ‘Final Audit Report’. The digital signature service you select will have its own audit process.
What Forms are Available?
For a full list of the forms that are currently available, visit the ‘Digital Signatures ‘ section of the Utmost International Isle of Man Limited secure online site for Evolution and Estate Planning Bond.
Please note the Withdrawal or Surrender form can be used for:
- Single Withdrawals or Segment Surrenders
- Update of an existing Regular Withdrawal
The following conditions apply:
- A Valid Digital Signature is required for all Policyholders
- Payment must be to a UK Bank Account that we have paid to previously
- We will not accept change of Bank Details with a digital signature
- A Claim Request must meet all of the above requirements; however, we do reserve the right to decline to act on the digital signature and insist on the originals or to call the client to confirm the instruction.
Many of our forms are editable so that you can fill in the details digitally before sending to your clients for signature.
Please note that a digital signature will not be accepted on these forms.
The only forms on which we can accept a digital signature are in the “Digital Signatures” section of the Literature Library in the Utmost International Isle of Man Limited secure online site for Evolution and Estate Planning Bond. This list will be updated.
For any assistance please contact our Customer Support team at:
Utmost International Isle of Man Limited (UK products): [email protected]
Resources from DocuSign and Adobe Sign have been referenced to show how the digital signature process works. Utmost International Isle of Man Limited are not recommending either DocuSign or Adobe Sign and we may accept other digital signature packages on request. You must ensure the suitability of the digital signature package meets your requirements including areas such as security, cost and usability. Utmost International Isle of Man Limited will not be held for responsible for any financial or reputational losses due to failures or deficiencies in your digital signature package.
Utmost PanEurope
Selection, Delegation and Generation Planning Bond
Utmost PanEurope accepts electronic signatures where the electronic signature package is an eIDAS compliant package and an audit trail for the signed document is provided for the following transactions:
- Surrender/claims for existing customer based on existing instructions
- Increase to Premium/Top ups based on existing instructions
- Standard Servicing requests with no money movement
- Switch in Investments.
Utmost PanEurope will also accept electronic signatures where the electronic signature package is an eIDAS compliant package and an audit trail for the signed document is provided along with the ID document for the signer for the following transactions:
- New Business applications
- Increase to premium/top up based on new instructions
- Surrender/Claims for existing Customers based on new instructions
- Change to Bank Account/Change of Address
- Appointment/Change of Power of Attorney
- Assignment of Policy
- Dealing instructions where movement of money is required
- AML Forms
- Tax Forms.
After the new business stage, all instructions electronically signed by the client must match the email address we hold on file for them (we verify this using the certificate of completion/final audit report). If the email address differs, we will be unable to accept the instruction and will request a wet signature instruction to be submitted.
We have an increasing number of forms that can be filled in digitally. These are available in the Literature Library in our secure online site here.
For assistance please contact our Customer Support team at: [email protected]
For guidance on meeting AML requirements please get in touch with your usual Utmost PanEurope contact.