Our Wealth Solutions

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Robust and Efficient Wealth Planning

Our primary focus is the use of life insurance solutions to help protect the wealth our clients have accumulated. Life insurance is a robust and proven solution to assist in financial planning, enabling clients to pass on their wealth in a controlled manner.

Our unit-linked life insurance solutions are governed by the strong policyholder protection regulations in the Isle of Man, Ireland and Guernsey, where our life insurance companies are based. These regulations ensure all client assets are held by an independent custodian bank and that there is a legal separation of client assets.

Choice and Flexibility

Our product range forms an integral part of an overall client planning strategy, offering complementary benefits to other wealth planning solutions. We offer products that can enable clients choice and flexibility around when and where to take withdrawals from their policies.


Our clients are often globally mobile and looking for an efficient way to manage their wealth as their location changes. We offer solutions that can facilitate clients’ financial planning when moving across borders.

Our team of experts have supported our clients with portability for over 20 years and provide expertise in each of our global locations with the agility to react to changes impacting our markets.

Good client outcomes

Delivering good client outcomes is front and centre of everything that we do. We want to build a brighter future for our clients through preserving their wealth. In the new era of wealth planning, our aim is to make a wealth of difference.

Administrative excellence

Our proposition enables clients to choose their asset manager, investment management style and custodian. Our clients can use our proposition to invest across a full range of asset classes including alternative assets and complex assets. Our customer support teams are set up to provide a smooth client experience with easy access to information.

A profile of our business

£57bn in Assets under Administration (approx.)

‘A+’ Insurer Financial Strength Rating with Stable Outlook from Fitch Ratings

Jurisdictions: Ireland, Isle of Man, Guernsey

O% VAT on Discretionary Managed Funds (Ireland and Guernsey)

Expertise, scale and a sustainable business model

Innovative solutions for internationally mobile clients

Please note that previous company performance is not a guide to future performance.
All figures quoted are correct as at 31 December 2023.

Financial advisers can find out more about our wealth solutions here

Learn more about the solutions we offer in our various locations