Risk Ratings

Each Investment Option is Assigned a Risk Rating

Please see below for an explanation of these ratings.

Low Risk Rating 
These funds are for investors who require a high degree of security as they offer low-risk growth potential.

Medium/Low Risk Rating These funds are for investors seeking capital growth with some price volatility as they offer a broad spread of investments across major world markets.

Medium Risk Rating These funds are for investors seeking the potential of growth over the medium term as they invest in the world’s major equity markets. However, it should be noted that the potential for superior growth is balanced by the increased risk of price fluctuations.

Medium/High Risk Rating These funds are for investors seeking the potential of superior capital growth as they invest in the world’s more specialist markets. However, it should be noted that the volatility in these markets increases the risk of loss.

High Risk Rating These funds are for investors seeking the possibility of fast appreciation of capital as they invest in individual sectors or emerging markets. However, it should be noted that although these markets have the potential to deliver high returns this can be offset by large falls during periods of adverse volatility. The high risk/reward ratio of these funds usually makes them suitable only for a small part of a structured portfolio.


Currency Risk

Please note that each fund, within your Member Account, is denominated in the same currency as your contribution. If there is a difference between the currency in which your contributions are denominated and the currency of the underlying assets held by the fund, then you will face a currency risk. The currency risk is such that the investment value will fluctuate either up or down if there are changes in the exchange rates. This risk is in addition to changes in the actual performance of the investments within the fund.

For Example:

If you invest sterling premiums into a fund which, whilst denominated in sterling, invests wholly in US dollar assets, then the following can occur:

Increase in price of US$ assets: 10%
Increase in sterling/US$ exchange rate: 10%
Performance in sterling denominated fund: 0%

Increase in price of US$ assets: 10%
Decrease in sterling/US$ exchange rate: 10%
Performance in sterling denominated fund: 20%

Decrease in price of US$ assets: 10%
Decrease in sterling/US$ exchange rate: 10%
Performance in sterling denominated fund: 0%

Decrease in price of US$ assets: 10%
Increase in sterling/US$ exchange rate: 10%
Performance in sterling denominated fund: -20%