Policy Administration Forms

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Policy Administration Forms

The forms are for administrative purpose and used by existing clients only.

Utmost Worldwide Limited

If you hold one or more of the following investment-linked assurance scheme (“ILAS”) policies issued by Utmost Worldwide Limited, please login in your secure Online Service Centre Account below to access the relevant administrative forms.

  • Choice*
  • Professional Portfolio*
  • Select*
  • Vision*


Contact Us
If you have a query in relation to the above policies, please speak to your appointed advisers in the first instance or contact our customer support team.

Utmost Worldwide Limited
Unit 2402B, Great Eagle Centre
23 Harbour Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong

T: +852 2526 1899
E: [email protected]

Utmost International Isle of Man Limited

If you hold one or more of the following investment-linked assurance scheme (“ILAS”) policies issued by Utmost International Isle of Man Limited, please click the link below to access the relevant administrative forms.

  • Collective investment Plan*#
  • Collective Investment Bond*
  • Executive Investment Plan#
  • Executive Investment Bond*
  • Executive Wealthbuilder Account*
  • Managed Capital Account*
  • Managed Pension Account*
  • Managed Savings Account*
  • Wealth Management Plan*


Contact Us
If you have a query in relation to the above policies, please speak to your appointed advisers in the first instance or contact our customer support team.

Utmost International Isle of Man Limited
Unit 2402C, Great Eagle Centre
23 Harbour Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong

T: +852 3552 5888
E: [email protected]

* These investment-linked assurance schemes (ILAS) policies are not available for new applications and cannot continue to be marketed to the public in Hong Kong.

# These investment-linked assurance schemes (ILAS) policies are not available to the public in Hong Kong and are available for offer to Professional Investors (as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance) only.