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Contact Us

Utmost Worldwide Limited

If your plan was signed with UTMOST WORLDWIDE LIMITED in Hong Kong and is one of the below:

Choice, Select, Professional Portfolio, or Vision.

If you have a query in relation to the above products, please contact our customer support team using the options below.

Utmost Worldwide Limited
Unit 2402B, Great Eagle Centre
23 Harbour Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong

T: +852 2526 1899

E: [email protected]

Please click here for the information relating to The Insurance Authority Levy.

Utmost International Isle of Man Limited

If your plan was signed with UTMOST INTERNATIONAL ISLE OF MAN in Hong Kong and is one of the below:
Executive Wealthbuilder Account, Managed Capital Account,  Managed Pension Account, Managed Savings Account, Collective investment Plan, Collective Investment Bond, Executive Investment Plan, Executive Investment Bond, or Wealth Management Plan.

If you have a query in relation to the above products, please contact our customer support team using the options below.

Utmost International Isle of Man Limited 
Unit 2402C, Great Eagle Centre
23 Harbour Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong

T: +852 3552 5888

E: [email protected]

The Insurance Authority collects a levy on insurance premium from relevant Hong Kong policyholders through insurance companies from 1 January 2018 onwards. Levy payable by relevant policyholders of new and in-force Utmost International Isle of Man Limited policies is borne by Utmost International Isle of Man Limited until further notice. The applicable levy rate is 0.1% where the maximum levy as applicable to any premiums received during a year under the policy is HK$100.