Home Quilter International Adviser Questions and Answers

Adviser Questions and Answers

Please note that the information below is for Financial Advisers only.

What does the sale of Quilter International to Utmost mean for my clients?

Nothing changes for your clients in relation to the product(s) that they are currently invested in. The day-to-day management of their policy remains the same following the acquisition. Our priority is to stay focused on delivering the best possible outcomes for you and your clients.

Are you rebranding Quilter International to Utmost International?

Yes. We expect the rebrand of Quilter International to be completed during 2022. During that time, you may see reference to both brands depending on the communication issued. We will inform you when the rebrand is complete.

Have the contact details for Quilter International changed? 

No. There is no change in contact details as a result of today’s announcement. 

However, from December 2021, you will start to see emails from your Quilter International contacts with an ‘@utmostinternational.com’ extension. You will still be able to contact us using our existing email address (i.e. [email protected]) for an interim period.

Will I lose access to the technical team support within Quilter?

Some key members of the technical team at Quilter have transferred to Utmost to continue providing you with the support you need. This will complement the existing technical team in Utmost.

Have you made changes to the website?

In the short term, the website remains accessible at www.quilterinternational.com with redirection to a new website address: quilterint.utmostinternational.com.

This is a more streamlined website in the interim while Utmost prepares to integrate the Quilter International business into their wider organisation. From this new website you can:

  • Log into Wealth Interactive and other online services
  • Access literature items that you might need to assist your clients
  • View the latest fund information and performance
  • Access FAQs on the most popular aspects of our services and other key topics
  • Find company contact details

Do I still have access to Wealth Interactive?


Will this change have any impact on the Terms of Business I have with Quilter International?

There is no impact on your Terms of Business with Quilter International. 

What happens next?  

We have announced the completion of the sale of Quilter International to Utmost Group.  

Utmost will contact clients in due course to provide further information, however, we do not anticipate this to be until Quilter International has been rebranded to Utmost, which is expected within 12 months after completion of the sale.  

Who do I contact if I have further questions regarding this announcement?

You can speak to your usual sales or sales support representative.