Our Financial Strength

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Our Ethos

As part of the Utmost Group and one of its core businesses, Utmost International is managed in a prudent and conservative manner. As a strongly capitalised, profitable business we are well positioned to build on our success. Our aim is to continue serving the needs of our customers and deliver strong, sustainable returns to our investors for the years to come.

Our Recent Awards

International Investment
Utmost Group awarded
Best International Life Group (UK)
2023 – 2024

Professional Paraplanner Awards
Utmost Wealth Solutions awarded
Best Offshore Product Provider 2024


International Investment
Utmost Group awarded
Best International Life Group (Non-UK)
2022 – 2023

International Adviser
Utmost Group awarded
Best International Life Group (UK)
2022 – 2023

Our Regulatory Regime

Our life companies comply with all local regulatory regimes and are consolidated on a Solvency II consistent basis. Our businesses hold high levels of capital and manage their liquidity and assets in a prudent manner so that they can endure over the long-term and support our clients through generations.

At a glance

‘A+’ Insurer Financial Strength Rating with Stable Outlook from Fitch Ratings

£344m Annual Premium Equivalent in 2023

£3.6bn New Business Premiums in 2023

£57.2bn in Assets under Administration

Please note that previous company performance is not a guide to future performance.
All figures quoted are correct as at 31 December 2023.


Fitch Ratings

The three rated operating entities of Utmost Group – Utmost International Isle of Man Limited, Utmost PanEurope dac and Utmost Worldwide Limited – have been assigned Insurer Financial Strength (IFS) Ratings of ‘A+’ with Stable Outlooks.

Fitch has also assigned Utmost Group an Issuer Default Rating (IDR) of ‘A‘ with a Stable Outlook.

Learn more
AKG (UK Market only)

We are pleased to confirm B+ Very Strong ratings from AKG for Utmost PanEurope dac in Ireland and Utmost International Isle of Man based in the Isle of Man.

Policyholder Protection

Our life insurance companies are governed by their local insurance regulation regimes in the Isle of Man, Ireland and Guernsey. In each region, there are minimum solvency requirements that life companies must adhere to. Each life company in Utmost International must maintain a minimum solvency margin, an amount by which the company’s capital exceeds its projected liabilities, and this acts as a cover for potential losses. These solvency requirements are designed to provide a capital buffer to ensure Utmost International can withstand potential future adverse events.

Additionally, in each region, policyholder protection regimes are in place. These govern how client assets are held and managed, and the conduct of insurance companies. There are regional regulations and/or compensation schemes in place to protect clients.

The way in which Utmost International conducts its business, its size and strength, and the strict regulatory environment in which it operates combine to create strong business foundations.

Discover more about Utmost International

Download our latest Solvency and Financial Condition Reports and Financial Statements.

Annual Reports